Special features of the company's products

All products of this company have the following characteristics

User friendly environment

In the development of all softwares, it has attempted to create a user-friendly environment with the ability to draw various graphs and practical facilities to make the software easier to use.

Conducting numerous studies and researches for product development

In order to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the products developed in this company, while examining the needs of users in various topics, scientific records and up-to-date equations and algorithsm have been used.

Save and reload data

In all developed products, it has been tried to create databases to store the data entered by the user and calculated by the software, so that it can be reloaded and used in future decisions and researches

Hirkan Water Sciences and Technology Researchers Company has been registered as a Private Joint Stock Company on 4/1/2020 with the registration number 13335.

Company activities : development and publication of various software packages required by industry, agriculture and natural resources, environment, management and services, and culture and art. Development of Scientific novel software products, sale of developed products inside and outside the country, education, and promotion of produced products.
Duration of activity: From the date of registration for an indefinite period

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Company Products

Sediment Transport Estimator [STE]

Sediment Transport Estimator [STE]

STE is an engineering software, designed to perform hydraulic and hydraulic sediment calculations. Due to the fact that “accuracy” has been one of the concerns of hydraulic engineers in calculating sediment load in rivers for long time and due to the high volume of hydraulic calculations, different methods for estimating sediment load, attendance of different parameters in these equations, the number repetitions that is needed for calculating different data, difficulty in concluding from the large volume of numbers obtained and etc, the need for a software which is equipped with up-to-date equations and algorithms with a user-friendly environment which developed to increase the accuracy and eliminating possible errors is quite noticeable...

STE Genetic Algorithm Optimizor Software

STE Genetic Algorithm Optimizor Software

For finding the best solutions, coefficients, methods and formulas for estimating sediment transport, flow discharges and velocities with the aim of maximizing the accuracy of predictions, STE software uses an advanced genetic algorithm(STEGA) that has programmed exclusively by HWSTR company for STE software. STE GA Optimizor has special power in finding the best solutions for the various of problems in the shortest period of time. In order to evaluate the capabilities, abilities and speed of the optimizing process, an independent applied software has been developed that is equipped with the mathematical test case functions. In addition to the said functions, defining user functions is also possible in this software.

Clean Water Producer System

Clean Water Producer System

Water scarcity is a problem in finding freshwater resources for the use, which is due to the depletion of resources. In addition to water shortages and the problem of producing safe water, there are other problems such as water transfer to remote areas, water shortages for agriculture and livestock, wastage of water and minerals for irrigation in traditional ways, and difficulty in irrigating trees in areas such as slopes, etc. Farmers and ranchers are more aware of the difficulty of these problems. Therefore, we propose a water system production with a new approach called (CWPS) for clean water production and an intelligent irrigation system.

Intelligent Methods for Sediment Transport Estimation [IM4STE]

Intelligent Methods for Sediment Transport Estimation [IM4STE]


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Hirkan Water Sciences and Technology Researchers

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Gorgan - Basij Square - University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Postal Code: 4918943464

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Reza Teimourey

Phone Call:  (+98) 9116692851

Amir Ahmad Dehghani

Phone Call:  (+98) 9113778297

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